5 Questions & Answers about this blog
Welcome to my site and to my blog. ♥
Starting off, I thought I’d answer some questions that I asked myself while creating this colorful mishmash of topics. If you have any questions, you’d like me to answer, feel free to leave a comment or write a message.

1 Why blog? Why now?
I know, blogging is soooo 2012 – but I always wanted to do that, I’ve only been too busy before. (Or keeping busy.) But since I have so many feelings and thoughts that I need an outlet for, I decided a blog would serve that purpose. This way I can just ramble on. And pretend that someone actually cares what I have to say. But even if no one’s gonna read what I write, this would be like a journal and maybe some day, in the distant future, I will be rereading these articles and laughing at myself. One can only hope.
2 What will you even be blogging about?
There are basically four major topics I’ll be talking about: literature, nerd life, witchy wisdom and makeup & cosplay. These obviously overlap in some parts. For a little more information on my motivation and me, you can visit my ABOUT page.
3 Why don’t you narrow down your blog to one specific topic?
I’m so much more than just that one interest of mine and I don’t want to be put in any box – I’m made up of all those different bits and pieces and I feel like this is what makes me, me. I wouldn’t want to give the impression that I’m only reading books all the time or that I constantly work on a cosplay or meditate daily, because that would be false. There are times when I can’t focus on a single book page or I come home from work and can’t focus on any project. Since this blog is a reflection of myself, I think it should also show these different aspects of my life. However, I will be creating different blog categories so you can only read the articles on topics you are interested in.
4 Why do you write in English and German?
Well, why the hell not? I will not be translating everything I write into both languages, because that would be way too much effort and absolutely unnecessary, but I will choose the language depending on the topic. Some blog posts will therefore have a literal translation in German and English. Pick and choose what you prefer.
5 Do you really think anyone will read your blog?
I do. Anyway, numbers really don’t matter to me (I know, everyone says that but hardly ever means that). Maybe some unknowing lucky devil will stumble upon any of my articles because they tried to google something and I may happen to hold the answer to their question – who knows? Even if no one ever will, at least I’ll have a place to store my random thoughts.

Oh hello there
I’m Ginny – 31 yo belletrist, nerd & moonchild – the creator & curator of this site. I hope you’ll find what you’re looking for.
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3 Kommentare. Hinterlasse eine Antwort
Liebste Ginny,
alter Vatter! Bitte entschuldige meine Ausdrucksweise aber meine Güte wie mega ist denn dieser Blog? Bin ich gerade etwas neidisch auf deine Kreativität?! Etwas! *lach*. Nein jetzt mal ernst: Wie wunderschön schon dieser kleine Teil deiner Galaxie ist! Ich freue mich auf mehr und wünsche dir viel Spaß beim Bloggen <3
LG Lisa von lisi_liest
Ohhh Lisi,
vielen vielen Dank! Das freut mich riesig und ich hoffe, du kommst mich öfter besuchen. 🙂
Na klar <3